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Lifey Foods

Bell Peppers

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$14.99 USD
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$14.99 USD

Freeze-dried orange, red, and green peppers are peppers that have undergone a dehydration process that involves freezing them and then removing the frozen water by sublimation. This process allows the peppers to retain most of their original flavor, color, and nutrients, while also making them shelf-stable and easy to store for long periods of time. Freeze-dried peppers are commonly used in various food applications, including soups, stews, salads, and seasonings. They can be rehydrated by soaking them in water or other liquids, and once rehydrated, they can be used in the same way as fresh peppers. Freeze-dried peppers are a convenient and versatile ingredient that can add flavor and nutrition to many different dishes.

Peppers are low in calories and high in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as dietary fiber and various antioxidants. Orange, red, and green peppers are all excellent sources of these nutrients, with each color having slightly different nutrient profiles. For example, red peppers are particularly high in vitamin C, while orange peppers are rich in vitamin A and green peppers are a good source of vitamin K.

Like freeze-dried onions and mushrooms, freeze-dried peppers are a concentrated source of nutrients, as the water content has been removed. This means that a small amount of freeze-dried peppers can provide a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants compared to fresh peppers. For example, one tablespoon of freeze-dried mixed bell pepper flakes can provide around 20% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C and a good amount of dietary fiber.